A WEALTH of advice and information is available to decision-makers throughout the industry by visiting website www.automotive-events.co.uk.

The website acts as a hub for all the events organised during the year by Emap B2B Cars and also offers a range of other valuable links.

An easy-to-read guide offers information and click-throughs to all the events being planned. Among the events currently available are Risk in Fleet, the Fleet News event which takes place on May 15, the Auto Retailing Dealer Convention which takes place on June 12-13, organised by AM magazine, and Company Car in Action, the major new ride and drive event for fleet decision-makers which takes place from June 19-21.

In addition to a single source solution for viewing all the key automotive events taking place this year, there are links to major websites that are part of the Emap portfolio, including www.fleetnews.co.uk and www.sewells.co.uk.