An increase in the use of technology such as Blackberrys and PDAs is leaving workers stressed and unable to switch off when away from the office.

Three-quarters of workers (74%) feel under pressure to be constantly available thanks to such appliances and, as a result, 43% of workers admit to checking emails every 10 minutes, according to a report by Leaders in London.

Almost two-thirds (61%) said they only had 15 uninterrupted minutes in a working day, and 77% admitted to checking emails during social occasions such as weddings, romantic dates and even on holiday.

Ros Oxley, managing director of Leaders in London, said: “We often rely on modern technology.

Leaving the Blackberry turned off can be a good thing as everyone needs a balance between work and play.

“Ensuring there are choices in the way we communicate in the work place is essential for British businesses to continue thriving.”

A further 26% of respondents confessed they struggled with basic office equipment, with many workers wasting half an hour each day trying to get printers and photocopiers to work.