Our tool uses data from AIR Index, an independent vehicle emissions rating for cars and vans. It provides details of the manufacturer's official CO2 figure and compares it with the figure achieved via independent testing. The tool also provides a real-world NOx rating as well as real-world fuel economy to give you the best insight into the efficiency performance of your company cars and vans - petrol, diesel, hybrid and plug-in hybrid.
Ratings range from A (the best) to E (the worst), based on the actual on-road urban NOx and CO2 emissions using the same independent test on every vehicle.
The car emissions and real-world mpg tool can help fleet managers and drivers reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) by choosing the cleanest vehicles to deliver long-term benefits.
Data methodology
Each car and van is independently tested in accordance with a voluntary standardised European protocol CWA17379.
Every AIR Index rating requires at least two vehicles of the same type to be tested at least three times, recording at least five x 10km trips, which each take approximately 20 minutes and in full compliance with the boundary conditions specified in the protocol.