A growing number of employers are using social networking websites to screen job applicants.More than one-in-four UK bosses are using these sites to vet candidates, or are actively looking to do so in the future.

According to research from CareerBuilder.co.uk, 15% of employers already use networking sites to vet candidates, and a further 12% intend to start doing so in the coming months.

Bosses listed a range of online content that turned them off candidates, such as poor communication skills, discrepancies in qualifications and unprofessional screen names. 

Other factors that have halted applications include the posting of inappropriate photos, bad-mouthing previous employers and boasting about drink or drug use.

However, online profiles also helped some applications.

Potential employers were often impressed with candidates who displayed good communication and interpersonal skills and had a range of interests.

“Employers are not just using social networking sites to eliminate candidates,” explained Tony Roy, managing director of CareerBuilder.co.uk

“Many are also viewing these tools as a way to get a more well-rounded view of a candidate. 

“Social networking profiles can also give job seekers an edge over the competition.

"Candidates can use their profiles to better position themselves, network and provide additional information that cannot be found on a CV.”