Brake is offering a 50% discount on new subscriptions to its not-for-profit service, the Fleet Safety Forum, to mark this year’s national Road Safety Week, November 23-29, 2009.

Subscribers receive regular mailings and e-bulletins containing essential research, guidance and awareness-raising resources to help them educate their drivers and improve the safety of their fleet.

Not only does guidance address the issues of drink and drug driving, in line with this year’s Road Safety Week theme, but it covers a range of topics including ‘selling’ fleet safety to the board, safe vehicle maintenance and implementing travel plans.

Subscribers also get discounted access to Brake’s programme of workshops and other events, and access to the charity’s online Road Safety Exchange, containing a wealth of resources, advice and links to useful information.

In addition, access will be given to free training in the Pledge2DriveSafely programme, enabling them to access and use the resources on Brake’s new e-learning platform aimed at company drivers -

To take advantage of this offer, call Brake on 01484 559909 or email between November 23 and December 24, 2009, quoting ‘Road Safety Week half price subscription offer’.