Driver distractions can be a “huge hidden killer” and a present a risk to employers who do not manage the risks effectively.

The road safety charity Brake said driver distraction is an area that has not received the attention it deserves, with some fleet managers concentrating on other big killers such as driver tiredness or speed.

At-work drivers could be distracted by anything from eating their lunch while in transit to entering their next destination into their sat nav – all examples of risk taking that have resulted in death.

“These are things that we wouldn’t dream of doing while operating a chain saw or some other safety critical activity,” said Brake’s chief executive Mary Williams.

“Yet all of these are things that are terribly tempting to many drivers, and many drivers do them.”

Companies like 3M have taken bold steps to combat such risks, including the introduction of complete ban on employees using mobile phones in their cars.

Research carried out by TRL has shown talking on the phone is more likely to lengthen drivers’ reaction times than having 80mg of alcohol in the bloodstream – the current UK legal limit.

But Brake aims to focus industry minds on the risk of driver distractions with its next fleet safety workshop on 18 March at 3M’s offices in Bracknell.

Meanwhile, road safety minister Jim Fitzpatrick speaking at Brake’s annual fleet safety conference, backed its call for fleet managers to introduce travel plans to cut costs, save lives and reduce transport emissions.