The BVRLA is asking for face-to-face talks with the government after Lord Mandleson announced £2.3 billion support for the automotive industry.

It has written to the business secretary urging him to support all providers of motor finance, rather than just the finance arms of car manufacturers.

While it welcomed the cash injection, it is urging the government to widen its plans and provide similar support for rental and leasing companies.

"Our members purchase over 45% of all new cars registered in the UK and play an essential role in helping businesses and consumers drive safer, cleaner and more fuel-efficient vehicles," said John Lewis, chief executive of the BVRLA.

"Many of them are finding it difficult to gain access to sufficient funds to be able to supply the cars that there customers want."

The BVRLA wants to discuss the issue with trade and investment minister Mervyn Davies, who has been asked to draw up plans to improve access to additional funding for car companies' financing arms.

But, the BVRLA request for a meeting with Lord Davies, or one of his advisors, looks like it may have fallen on deaf ears.

A government spokesman said: "Lord Davies has already met with the industry to take forward work on access to liquidity for car finance companies and we are urgently progressing implementation of the loan guarantee scheme in Europe announced just week ago."

Meanwhile, the BVRLA has also urged Lord Mandleson to consider implementing a car scrappage scheme similar to those in Germany and other EU nations.