Motor Serv ( is one of the largest independent single site motor factors in the UK. 

Servicing Milton Keynes and the surrounding areas, they provide a wide range of car parts and accessories to both trade and retail customers, carrying out in excess of 1,000 pick-ups and deliveries each day.

Founded in 1988, today they have 28 vans in their fleet, all constantly on the move to meet the increasing demands of their customers. As the company has grown, however, so too has the complexity of managing their fleet of vans.

Traditionally, the only way to track driver movements was by manually recording them onto a whiteboard situated at the pick-up point within their warehouse, resulting in inaccurate ETAs for customers and a large number of phone calls being made to track driver movements. 

Motor Serv also wanted to better monitor the private use of company vehicles and keep a track of vehicle servicing requirements.

The Solution

It was clear Motor Serv could benefit from a reliable fleet management system, however their initial research found most solutions to be expensive and over complicated.

It was not until the discovery of ROAD ANGEL Fleet’s Live Track system that Motor Serv could justify the investment, and after a brief demonstration, fitted all 28 vans with ROAD ANGEL Fleet Live Track units. Costing only 50p per vehicle per day, the system delivers: 

  • Exceptional value for money, paying for itself in as little as six months
  • The ability to search for vehicles geographically by postcode, such as a customer’s address
  • The automated capture of mileage and journey data
  • Powerful reporting, including journey summaries, vehicle and fleet day-summaries, out-of-hours usage, servicing intervals, over speed and idle times


Since installing the Live Track system across their entire fleet, Motor Serv has increased the productivity of their drivers by knowing exactly where they are and where to send them next, also resulting in a number of cost savings.

In total, Motor Serv save around £1,000 per vehicle per year, and with the cost of the system only 50p per vehicle per day, it is an investment that has not only delivered exceptional cost benefits, but increased control and customer service.

“We continually save around 700 litres of diesel per month since we started using the system, purely by reducing wasted mileage.

We have also totally eradicated the private use of vehicles, and have reduced response times and the amount of phone calls we make to our drivers... overall, the system has more than paid for itself”. Jason Goldney, Fleet Manager of Motor Serv.

Live Track empowers fleet managers

Road Angel Fleet’s Live Track system is a simple
to use yet powerful tool for any fleet manager
who needs to know exactly where their mobile
assets are. 

Costing only 50p per day, the system provides live online tracking combined with a suite of powerful reporting tools - empowering fleet managers whilst reducing overall operating costs.