Transport for London (TfL) is funding a pilot online benchmarking initiative that offers van fleets the chance to evaluate their performance against their peers.

The pilot scheme follows a similar trial for operators of commercial vehicles above 7.5 tonnes run by the Department for Transport which ended in March.

DfT has now launched a nationwide programme which enables CV fleets to compare key performance indicators such as fuel efficiency and safety.

Both services are run in conjunction with consultancy Faber Maunsell and fleet management provider Chevin Fleet Solutions. They are free to fleet operators and all data is provided anonymously.

The TfL pilot will run until September and Chevin is confident that a successful conclusion will encourage DfT to expand its programme to also include vans.

Fleets upload a range of data, including fuel consumption, vehicle types, driver training and accident rates. They can then benchmark their operation against the top companies and, crucially, they can see exactly why their performance differs.

For instance, their fuel efficiency might be worse because the top fleets are using low resistance rolling tyres or using speed limiters to control driver behaviour.

Where the initiative really stands out is the fact that fleets are benchmarking like-for-like, comparing by industry sector, vehicle size and operating environment, for instance urban or motorway driving.

“The Government wants everyone to improve their efficiency,” said Chevin managing director Ashley Sowerby.

“Fleets input their parameters and out comes a report with details of vehicles that don’t meet the benchmark parameters. The system will then inform you what the best fleets are doing.

”Sowerby believes the initiative could also have an impact for car fleets, but the challenge here is to make it easy enough to use. An initial pilot is still some way off.

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