Telematics provider, Trafficmaster has said its results are inline with expectations despite tought trading conditions that are causing severe problems for some of its competitors:

Trafficmaster said that despite "challenging market conditions" it expects that overall revenue and profit for the first half will be in line with expectations.

"We expect results for the first half to be ahead of the prior year," it said in a statement this morning.

Sales prospects are encouraging, it said but longer sales cycles are continuing, with some smaller fleet owners delaying purchase decisions. 

"The continuing depressed level of UK automotive sales has affected revenue and as a result we expect the results for the first half to be materially less than the prior year," said the company.

"We continue to manage our operating costs in line with business performance and the division has remained profitable during the period."

Tony Eales, chief executive officer, added: “The tough market conditions continue to provide challenges for all our businesses.

"We are, however, seeing opportunities to grow our operations profitably.”