Exclusive research undertaken by Fleet News has revealed nearly half of fleet operators plan to review their suppliers by the end of the financial year.

The reviews come as intense pressure is placed on fleet operators to deliver cost savings to help their businesses protect profits in the recession.

In response to this shake-up the popular Fleet News Forum has confirmed an autumn date – 12-13 November.

The Forum, which will focus on outright purchased fleets in November, is designed to help fleet decision-makers source new suppliers and negotiate with existing providers.

It will take place at the Dunchurch Park Hotel & Conference Centre, Dunchurch, Warwickshire.

Gary Black, group fleet manager, Inspired Gaming, explains the benefits of attending a Fleet News Forum.

“The Forum put me in front of suppliers and ensured suppliers could meet with me.

"It sowed the seed of a potential relationship for the future,” he said.

“As a direct result of seeing one contract hire company, they are now taking part in the tender process to supply me with contact hire.

“If I hadn’t met them at the Fleet News Forum, that probably wouldn’t have happened, because it brought them to my attention.

"It was not a company I would have looked at before.”

For details, go to www.fleetnewsforum.co.uk or phone Lorraine Densham on
01733 468859 or email lorraine.densham@bauermedia.co.uk