A fleet of electric powered Mini Es are due to begin trials with a consortium of operators within the next two months.

The 204bhp battery powered models will begin fleet trials in November.

The Oxford and South East Consortium, made up of Mini, Scottish and Southern Energy and Oxford Brookes University's Sustainable Vehicle Engineering Centre, will trial 20 cars between them. The consortium won a share of the £25 million grant announced by the Government to speed up the introduction of electric vehicles (Fleet News, July 2).

The fleet trial will run alongside a six-month trail by private motorists, who will be able to lease the cars for £330 a month. Twenty cars will be available to lease from December, with a second round of applications being invited next year.

Drivers wishing to be one of the 20 to take part should go to www.electricMINI.co.uk. However, there are strict geographical limitations due to Southern Electric supplying the power.