To support the market launch of New Twingo, Renault is creating a unique and entertaining artistic experience

Four artists of different genres and nationality were asked to set up a ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’ (work of art) inside the cabin of Twingo as part of an exercise in free expression
The line up features: French fashion designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, a man of multiple talents, Italian chef Davide Scabin renowned for his creative cooking, UK singer Nicola Roberts, queen of the charts, and pragmatic German designer, Nils Holger Moormann, who finds new uses for everyday objects.

A cheery urban citizen, in tune with its times, Twingo gains a new, softer, smilier front end, reflecting the dynamic, mischievous spirit that made the first Twingo such a success. It marks a return to the original spirit of Twingo and states Renault’s new visual identify.