Articles by Fleet News - Page 929
Van residual values will 'tail back'
Contract hire and leasing companies live or die by accurately predicting vehicle sale prices and while a ‘marginal tailing back’ of values from current levels is being predicted if the economy improves, a raft of uncontrollable influences means a precarious balancing act is being pursued.
Technology and lease cycle changes make SMR forecasters nervous
Traditional fleet service, maintenance and repair (SMR) costs can be forecasted down to the final penny at the benchmark three years/60,000 miles - but a raft of ‘grey areas’ fuelled by numerous factors means contract hire and leasing companies continue to build up contingency funds to meet the cost of the unforeseen.
Tyre bills rack up SMR costs
Longer service intervals and a trend for motor manufacturers to move the requirement for ‘expensive’ parts replacement - such as cambelts - beyond 60,000 miles has contributed to a decade long changes in the breakdown of service maintenance and repair (SMR) costs.
SMR is 'poor relation' in the leasing budget
Common business sense means that contract hire and leasing companies do not want to make a loss on service, maintenance and repair (SMR) costs so it is vital that they undertake a robust risk assessment and measure and manage the lifecycle of individual vehicle components.