BMW iX1 xDrive30 price and specifications | Ref: 1701

Available to order: Vehicle currently for sale in market / region
Price from: £47,465
Fuel: Electricity only, full electric vehicle
Battery capacity: 66.5 kWh
Real-world range: 235 mi
Top speed: 112 mph
0 - 62 mph: 5.6 sec
More detailed information about the BMW iX1 can be found below.
All information on this page is indicative and in some cases only based on estimates. Use of the data is at your own risk.
Price & order
Price from
Vehicle currently for sale in market / region
Available since
Available until
Price shown is on the road price (OTR). It includes VAT, first year VED, vehicle first registration fee, number plates and delivery. The price also includes the plug-in car grant of £2,500.
Real range estimation
Between 170 - 345 mi
City - cold weather *
225 mi
Highway - cold weather *
170 mi
Combined - cold weather *
195 mi
City - mild weather *
345 mi
Highway - mild weather *
220 mi
Combined - mild weather *
220 mi
Indication of real-world range in several situations. Cold weather: 'Worst-case' based on -10°C and use of heating. Mild weather: 'Best-case' based on 23°C and no use of A/C. The actual range will depend on speed, style of driving, weather and route conditions.

Select driving conditions to update range and fuel cost

Select charging option to update fuel cost per mile

* Benchmark tariff covering all public charging types
Fuel cost per mile
Data supplied by
Acceleration 0 - 62 mph
5.6 sec
Top speed
112 mph
Electric range *
235 mi
Total power
230 kW
Total torque
494 Nm
Battery and charging
Battery capacity
66.5 kWh
Charge port
Type 2
Port location
Right Side - Rear
Charge power †
22 kW AC
Charge time (0 - 215 mi)
210 minutes
Charge speed †
67 mph
400 V
Battery useable
64.7 kWh
Fastcharge port
FC port location
Right Side - Rear
Fastcharge power (max)
128 kW DC
Fastcharge time (22->172 mi)
30 minutes
Fastcharge speed
320 mph
Energy consumption
EVDB real range
Range *
235 mi
Vehicle consumption *
3.64 mi/kWh
CO2 emissions
0 g/km
Vehicle fuel equivalent *
147 mpg
WLTP ratings (TEL)
True mi
Rated consumption
3.7 mi/kWh
Vehicle consumption
4.22 mi/kWh
CO2 emissions
0 g/km
Rated fuel equivalent
150 mpg
Vehicle fuel equivalent
171 mpg
WLTP ratings (TEH)
Rated consumption
3.44 mi/kWh
Vehicle consumption
4 mi/kWh
CO2 emissions
0 g/km
Rated fuel equivalent
139 mpg
Vehicle fuel equivalent
162 mpg
TEL = Test Energy Low | TEH = Test Energy High
Rated = official figures as published by manufacturer. Rated consumption and fuel equivalency figures include charging losses.
Vehicle = calculated battery energy consumption used by the vehicle for propulsion and on-board systems. NOTE: The fuel equivalency figures are shown in IMPERIAL MPG. Figures in US MPG will differ significantly.
Real energy consumption estimation
Between 5.32 - 2.62 mi/kWh
City - cold weather *
3.47 mi/kWh
Highway - cold weather *
2.62 mi/kWh
Combined - cold weather *
3.01 mi/kWh
City - mild weather *
5.32 mi/kWh
Highway - mild weather *
3.4 mi/kWh
Combined - mild weather *
4.17 mi/kWh
Indication of real-world energy use in several situations. Cold weather: 'Worst-case' based on -10°C and use of heating. Mild weather: 'Best-case' based on 23°C and no use of A/C. The energy use will depend on speed, style of driving, climate and route conditions.
Safety (Euro NCAP)
Safety rating
Adult occupant
Child occupant
Rating year
Vulnerable road users
Safety assist
For more details on the safety rating of this vehicle, visit
Dimensions and weight
4500 mm
1845 mm
Width with mirrors
2104 mm
1616 mm
2692 mm
Weight unladen (EU)
2085 kg
Gross vehicle weight (GVWR)
2580 kg
Max. payload
570 kg
Cargo volume
490 litres
Cargo volume max
1495 litres
Cargo volume frunk
0 litres
Roof load
75 kg
Tow hitch possible
Towing weight unbraked
Towing weight braked
1200 kg
Vertical load max
75 kg
5 people
Turning circle
12 m
Heat pump (HP)
Car body
Roof rails
EV dedicated platform
Company car tax indication
Financial year 2022-23
BIK tax rate
P11D value from
Benefit in Kind (BIK)
BIK @20%
£16 pcm
BIK @40%
£32 pcm
BIK @45%
£36 pcm
Financial year 2023-24
BIK tax rate
P11D value from
Benefit in Kind (BIK)
BIK @20%
£16 pcm
BIK @40%
£32 pcm
BIK @45%
£36 pcm
Financial year 2024-25
BIK tax rate
P11D value from
Benefit in Kind (BIK)
BIK @20%
£16 pcm
BIK @40%
£32 pcm
BIK @45%
£36 pcm
Home and destination charging (0 - 100%)
Charging is possible by using a regular wall plug or a charging station. Public charging is always done through a charging station. How fast the EV can charge depends on the charging station (EVSE) used and the maximum charging capacity of the EV. The table below shows all possible options for charging the BMW iX1. Each option shows how fast the battery can be charged from empty to full.
Charging point Max. power Power Time Rate
Wall plug (2.3 kW) 230V / 1x10A 2.3 kW 33h 15m 7 mph
1-phase 16A (3.7 kW) 230V / 1x16A 3.7 kW 20h 45m 11 mph
1-phase 32A (7.4 kW) 230V / 1x32A 7.4 kW 10h 30m 22 mph
3-phase 16A (11 kW) 400V / 3x16A 11 kW 7h 0m 34 mph
3-phase 32A (22 kW) 400V / 3x16A 22 kW † 3h 30m 67 mph
† = Limited by on-board charger, vehicle cannot charge faster.
Rapid charging (10 -> 80%)
Rapid charging enables longer journeys by adding as much range as possible in the shortest amount of time. Charging power will decrease significantly after 80% state-of-charge (SoC) has been reached. A typical rapid charge therefore rarely exceeds 80% SoC. The rapid charge rate of an EV depends on the charger used and the maximum charging power the EV can handle. The table below shows all details for rapid charging the BMW iX1.
Charging point Max. power AVg. power Time Rate
CCS (50 kW DC) 40 kW † 39 kW † 1h 13m 130 mph
CCS (150 kW DC) 128 kW † 94 kW † 0h 30m 320 mph
† = Limited by charging capabilities of vehicle
Actual charging rates may differ from data shown due to factors like outside temperature, state of the battery and driving style.
* = estimated value. Average energy consumption and range based on moderate drive style and climate. Real-life values may differ significantly. Pricing information might not be actual for some regions. No rights can be derived from the information on this site.