Fleet FAQ


What are the current Advisory Fuel Rates (AFRs)?


Advisory fuel rates (AFRs) are recommended reimbursement amounts for drivers reclaiming business mileage, usually for those in company vehicles.

HMRC review the advisory fuel rate based on fuel prices every quarter, and publish revised figures if required in late February, May, August and November each year.

Rates from March 1, 2025

(If viewing on a smart phone turn to side to view tables)


Engine size (cc) Mean MPG Fuel price (pp litre) Fuel price (pp gallon) Rate per mile Advisory fuel rate (pence)
Up to 1400 51.0 138.7 630.7 12.4 12
1401 to 2000 42.3 138.7 630.7 14.9 15
Over 2000 27.1 138.7 630.7 23.3 23



Engine size (cc) Mean MPG Fuel price (pp litre) Fuel price (pp gallon) Rate per mile Advisory fuel rate (pence)
Up to 1600 56.9 146.1 664.3 11.7 12
1601 to 2000 49.3


664.3 13.5 13
Over 2000 38.0 146.1 664.3 17.5 17



Engine size (cc) Mean MPG Fuel price (pp litre) Fuel price (pp gallon) Rate per mile Advisory fuel rate (pence)
Up to 1400 40.8 98.3 446.9 10.9 11
1401 to 2000 33.8 98.3 446.9 13.2 13
Over 2000 21.7 98.3 446.9 20.6 21


Current Advisory Electricity Rate (AER)

NOTE: From September 1, 2018 HMRC introduced an advisory fuel rate (AFR) for pure electric cars.

Called the Advisory Electricity Rate (AER), it was cut by 1ppm, from 8ppm to 7ppm from September 1, 2024, and remains at 7ppm from March 1. 

It is based on an electrical efficiency of 3.57 miles per kilowatt hour and a domestic electricity cost 0f 25.24 pence per kilowatt hour.

The AER is published, and reviewed quarterly, alongside AFRs for petrol, diesel and LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) cars based on engine size.

Plug-in hybrid and hybrid cars continue to be treated as either petrol or diesel models for mileage reimbursement purposes.

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Previous rates, valid from December 1, 2024. 

You can use the previous rates for up to one month from the date the new rates apply.

Engine size Petrol - amount per mile LPG - amount per mile
1400cc or less 12 pence 11 pence
1401cc to 2000cc 14 pence 13 pence
Over 2000cc 23 pence 21 pence


Engine size

Diesel - amount per mile

1600cc or less 11 pence
1601cc to 2000cc 13 pence
Over 2000cc 17 pence


Source: Fleet News