A NUMBER of fleet incentives have been launched by Citroen in a bid to boost new year sales of ZX and Xantia. The offers, which apply to retail, business sector and medium sector buyers - effectively companies operating up to and including 200 vehicles and buying cars outright - can take advantage of the offers which are now available and run until the end of the first quarter of 1997.

On Xantia, Citroen's number one fleet car, the manufacturer is giving away free servicing for the first 24,000 miles and a two-year warranty instead of the traditional one, encompassing both Citroen Assist and accident management, on all vehicles bought before the end of March. The offer applies to all Xantias and is worth £600-£700.

And the French manufacturer is offering £1,000 cashback to fleets operating up to 200 vehicles when they buy any ZX model. Citroen is aiming to beat the 3p a litre/14p a gallon Budget increase in fuel by giving away 500 litres of fuel worth more than £300 to buyers of all diesel models who operate up to 200 vehicles. The offers do not apply to contract hire and rental companies.