Despite pump prices breaking through the £3 a gallon barrier in the wake of the Budget, the protracted price war between the oil companies and supermarkets has allayed fleet managers' fears over fuel charges spiralling out of control. Higher servicing and maintenance costs have become much more of a factor according to the fleet managers surveyed and company car taxation is also moving up the agenda.
A residual value crash is considered more of a cause for concern than last year, but major issues such as a change in Government, the environment and increasing traffic congestion aren't assigned such a high priority. The survey's findings confirm fleet managers are coming under increasing pressure by their bosses to cut costs and make the fleet operation as efficient as possible.
More than 120 fleets responsible for a total of over 35,000 vehicles responded to an open letter sent by Lex to 500 of its top customers asking them for their 1997 priorities.
Top concerns and priorities:
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