DRIVERS who use mobile phones while on the move are being targeted by West Midlands Police in a new motorway crackdown. As concern continues to mount over the danger of drivers using mobile phones while on the move and the Government threatens to introduce new legislation if motorists don't take action themselves, West Midlands police say they are on full alert for the 'motorway menaces'.

Patrols, including video cars, on motorways in the West Midlands will stop 'mobile phone drivers' who, depending on the circumstances, may face a caution, a £20 fixed penalty or be reported and summonsed. Safety organisations and the police say mobile phones are being increasingly identified for contributing to, if not directly causing, road accidents in the region.

Acting superintendent Paul Austen, head of the Central Motorway Police Group, said drivers using mobile phones were a distinct danger as they could demonstrate neither proper control of their vehicles nor total concentration on their driving.