LABOUR will set up a task force to 'green' the car rather than attempt to tax or legislate it off the road if elected in May. Shadow environment secretary Michael Meacher this week announced Labour's plans for a partnership approach involving Government, academics and car-makers to tackle fuel efficiency and explore the future of ultra low emission vehicles.

Speaking at a seminar on business and the environment, Meacher said Labour would work in conjunction with private sector partners to establish achievable targets for lowering vehicle emissions. He added that the task force's findings would not necessarily lead to higher taxes on car use, but would definitely focus on more appropriate use of the car and lay down tough regulations on emissions.

Meacher acknowledged the role of fleet operators in trialling new technologies like alternative fuels and said a future Labour government would seek to encourage this further, but added that subsidies were unlikely to be available in the short term. His comments follow a string of reassuring noises from the Labour Party over its attitude towards the motor industry in general.