THE RAC has vowed to campaign against unfair treatment of company cars following the publication of the Government's consultation paper on Integrated Transport Policy. The document invites views on a range of proposals and, although it stops short of targeting the company car directly, suggests a range of options designed to encourage drivers to leave their vehicles at home.

These include increasing public parking prices, taxing companies' car parking provision and charging for road use. It also suggests fiscal measures be put in place to make the financial costs of journeys reflect the 'environmental and social cost' of the trip. The document has been welcomed by the AA and RAC, however the RAC added that it would be seeking a fair deal for company car drivers.

Launching the document Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott said it was vital to make the best use of all resources whether economic, environmental or financial. He said: 'Continuing with previous policies is simply not an option. It is producing congested, grid-locked roads, a deterioration of rural services, declining use of public transport and greater dependence on the car; and poor air quality which damages our environment and causes ill health. We cannot carry on like this.'