DIAL has won the contract to manage Dairy Crest's 230-vehicle fleet from rival PHH Vehicle Management Services. Under the terms of the contract, Dial will provide a full outsourcing service - including vehicle acquisitions and disposals, accident management and a dedicated driver contact centre looking after day-to-day issues as well as issuing advice on drivers' vehicle entitlements. Dairy Crest will continue to finance the fleet itself, with Dial passing on the invoices of vehicles as they are acquired.

The company opted to take accident management after realising the considerable savings to be made in the area by using Dial's network of approved repair shops - enabling their vehicles to obtain a priority service at specially negotiated rates and reducing the time and costs involved in vehicles being off the road.

Dairy Crest also appreciated the additional benefits in terms of reduced insurance premiums resulting from Dial's ability to pinpoint areas for action such as uprated security or driver training.