PAT Smart, Jaguar's manager of police and special sales, has left the fleet sector after a 23-year career - although he will remain with the luxury car manufacturer. Smart, who has been a regular visitor to the annual Fleet Show and is a well-known figure among fleet managers, moves from the corporate operations department, which encompasses fleet, to the communications and public affairs department in the motor firm.

He becomes manager of special customer liaison, dealing with Royal orders and armed forces and police. The changes are being made as Jaguar reviews its internal structures in preparation for the launch of the new S-type and the planned 5-series rival, the X400.

Smart joined the company in 1952 as an appentice. In 1982, he became fleet sales manager and in 1992 took on additional responsibility for police, Royal and Government sales. He said: 'I may be moving away from fleet, but I will still be involved. I won't forget my friends in the fleet industry, nor the associations such as the Association of Car Fleet Operators and the Institute of Car Fleet Management. I am not deserting the ship, I am just specialising and I am sure people will still be in touch to pick my brains.'