FLEETS which obtain discounts of around 40% on new car deals from manufacturers should be 'named and shamed' into giving up the practice, according to an influential committee of MPs. Martin O'Neil (Labour, Ochil) and Bob Laxton (Labour, Derby North), members of the House of Commons' Trade and Industry Select Committee, made the shock demand at the publication of the group's first report into vehicle pricing.

Committee chairman O'Neil attacked fleet discounts and claimed: 'The bulk discount which is available to fleets from manufacturers is too great and this cosy little deal is forcing up the price of new cars to private buyers. It is not a question of producing legislation against what is a national scandal. We can name and shame these people.'

Laxton called for an end to fleet discounts and said: 'I would like to think that we could deter fleets from gaining these discounts and I want to see discount levels reduced.' But the Retail Motor Industry Federation slammed the 'lamentable attitude of the committee' with chief executive Christopher Macgowan saying the MPs were ignoring economic reality and adding that 'their tone was distasteful'.

Publication of the report - 'First Report: Vehicle Pricing' - blames fleet discounts for forcing up the cost of new cars to private buyers. Its verdict will provide vital ammunition for the Office of Fair Trading which is currently investigating the company car market as part of its wider inquiry into alleged anti-competitive relationships between manufacturers and franchised dealers.