THE Government is being accused of being 'unjust and unfair' to motorists by making them pay for the cost of NHS accident treatment. The allegations that the Government is singling out motorists have been made by Stewart Whyte, managing director of Petersfield-based Fleet Audits, in a letter to his local MP Michael Mates.

In it Whyte says: 'Motorists are having to pay - directly through a portion of the insurance premiums they must incur - for services which are provided free and without recourse to non-motorists. This is unfair and unjust, a discriminatory tax on motorists. If insurance companies are to be the immediate target then surely the same argument should hold in respect of their professional negligence policies for doctors and consultants.'

He added: 'This, of course, is not remotely analogous to motoring: compensation is only paid where there is at least some indication of negligence. Motorists are being penalised without any suggestion they have been negligent.'