FORMER British Car Contracts managing director Robert Mercer has launched a new company that aims to protect car and van buyers from the 'intimidating showroom and the pushy, commission-based salesman'. Motorlogic is establishing a network of franchisee consultants throughout the UK who will go to customers' homes or offices armed with a laptop computer containing details of 4,000 vehicles.

The consultants will use the computer to draw up a short list of the best vehicles for the customer, whether a private buyer or small business, alongside the optimum finance package. Motorlogic claims the advice will be completely independent because its consultants will earn a flat rate of commission, regardless of the vehicle or funding selected by the customer. 'It has become increasingly obvious there is a need for an independent and personalised way of buying a car,' said Mercer 'We aim to take the anxiety out of the car buying process, making it a positive experience.'