BRITAIN'S bosses have been urged to invest in their fleet managers and fleet staff and thereby improve the efficiency of their fleet operations. And the dearth of qualified employees across the fleet industry - including the majority of contract hire, fleet management and daily rental industries - has been attacked by leaders of the Institute of Car Fleet Management.

With thousands of people employed in the fleet industry across the UK, ICFM chairman Tom Madden said it was 'disappointing' that the organisation had fewer than 800 members, of which between 210 and 230 people were on courses at any one time. As fleet management becomes increasingly complex Madden declined to criticise fleet managers and their colleagues who, he said, 'were working very hard just to standstill'.

'Appealing to them is a futile exercise. We must appeal to their bosses to support their staff and thereby support the Institute of Car Fleet Management,' he told a recent ICFM conference. 'By investing in their staff they will improve their staff and the efficiency of their fleet operations. We cannot expect people to take time off work or for them to pay, so we have to market the benefits of training to employers. Fleet is a complex service industry. Individually and collectively we must spread the gospel to influence company bosses and encourage them to invest in the people who run their fleets.'