A DRIVE to increase membership at the Association of Car Fleet Operators saw income grow to more than £80,000 last year. The increase of more than 17% over the previous year left the association with a surplus of £21,141, which boosted its coffers to £72,590. ACFO is pushing to increase its membership to 2000 by the year 2000 from its current level of about 700.
At the annual general meeting, ACE Vehicle Deliveries corporate development director Jim Thorn was re-elected as a director and newly-appointed directors were George Dungworth, fleet director of SIG, Sheffield, and John Robinson, director of Gateway Autos, Manchester. A mix-up meant that re-election details for Stewart Whyte and Dianne Rees, both directors, were left off the AGM documents so they will have to wait until the next ACFO board meeting to be re-elected.
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