A HOUSE of Commons Select Committee has backed grey imports from outside the European Union, but said any such imports should be clearly labelled. In a report, 'Trade Marks, Fakes and Consumers', the Department of Trade & Industry Select Committee said that, provided grey import vehicles can meet common safety, environmental and security standards, 'there seems to be no overwhelming reason why any differences in specification should be a reason for preventing consumers from choosing to purchase them'.

But the committee did call for the Department of Transport to carry out more research into the safety of grey imports to investigate whether big differentials in safety existed, addressing one of the key arguments employed by manufacturers in their fight against grey imports. It also recommended that the Government should run a consumer awareness campaign to ensure customers were fully aware of any potential pitfalls associated with grey imports.

'If consumers are aware of the fact that they are purchasing a grey import car or motorcycle and that there may be some unforeseen consequences, then it is up to individual consumers to weigh up the pros and cons of purchasing these vehicles.'