BMW Group has launched a new initiative which will see approximately 1,000 Rover Group cars a year offered through the German manufacturer's UK dealer network as courtesy cars. Each of BMW's 156-strong dealer network is being 'encouraged' to take, on average, seven cars from the Rover Group, which could be anything from 200s through to Land Rovers.

Traditionally dealers have used BMWs on their courtesy car fleets, supplemented by vehicles from a number of different manufacturers. Now, under the new agreement they will be offered Rovers on 'advantageous' terms. Kevin Gaskell, BMW (GB) managing director said: 'In the past, dealers' ability to source courtesy and loan cars from any manufacturer has had a negative impact on customer satisfaction. By offering cars from within the BMW Group we want to offer a better experience.'

He said the offer had been introduced as a result of dealer demand. Each dealer has between two and 15 courtesy cars. This latest Rover/BMW co-operation comes after it was revealed the two manufacturers' corporate sales departments are forging closer ties to maintain and develop leasing and fleet business.