FLEETS could face higher insurance premiums for alternative-fuelled vehicles because of bodyshops' inability to repair liquefied petroleum gas powered vehicles. Research by accident and claims management specialist Cendant Claims Plus has found that three quarters of UK repairers have no idea how to repair LPG models.

Other worrying findings in the survey include the fact that only one third of repairers were aware of the strict safety standards and specialist equipment required for repairing LPG vehicles; and only 28% had experience of working on LPG-fuelled vehicles. The findings, from a survey of 25 national vehicle repairers, will further undermine fleets' confidence in the viability of dual-fuelled cars at a time when leading industry figures have clashed over whether fuels such as LPG and compressed natural gas can offer a long-term alternative to diesel or petrol.

Lorraine Wright, Claims Plus director, said: 'LPG is a market that is set to expand, but while we are happy to support any environmentally friendly initiatives, we are concerned that there simply isn't the infrastructure available to support these vehicles. We must ensure LPG drivers do not have to pay higher premiums because of difficulties in repairing their cars. All policyholders are already finding their premium price rising and it is important that service levels enjoyed by petrol and diesel car drivers during claims are extended to LPG users.'