INSURANCE companies have a massive role to play in reducing company car and van accidents according to junior transport minister Lord Whitty.

Speaking at the Fleet News UK Congress 2000 on Tuesday, Lord Whitty, who is in charge of the Government's road safety strategy, told insurance companies they must do more to work with fleets and incentivise advanced driver training.

In outlining the Government's strategy to massively cut the 3,500 annual deaths on Britain's roads and the 300,000 serious injuries, Whitty said: 'The insurance companies can be mobilised to give support for better work-related road safety by offering discounts on premiums for good safety records. In addition, they should incentivise employers to improve standards and by doing that, insurance company payouts will reduce.'

It is estimated that up to 500 of the fatalities are caused by drivers while at work and Whitty said it was likely that the Department of the Environment, Transport and Regions-appointed task force currently looking at ways to improve work-related road safety would recommend that Health and Safety laws were extended to cover employees while on the road.

Christopher Macgowan, chief executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, said something had to be done to tackle 'the unprofessional, immoral operators who are getting away with very low standards'.