ROVER dealers met with BMW bosses on Friday to seek assurances about their future. Additionally, the 10 dealer representatives successfully pressed that the BMW Group arrange a meeting with Alchemy Partners, Rover Cars' new owners.

Rover confirmed that an advertising campaign has been started based on pushing the message that customers can buy Rover or MG 'with confidence'. John Mantle, chairman of the Rover Dealer Franchise Board, who was at the meeting, said: 'All Rovers and MGs are backed by a three-year warranty that will be honoured. In addition Rover will maintain the servicing of all cars for at least 10 years and the Rover dealer network will continue to offer a professional service.'

One issue on which dealers are seeking urgent answers is the possibility of getting compensation from BMW for the money spent on refitting forecourts. The Retail Motor Industry Federation has also urged Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Stephen Byers to give his support to a compensation claim.