The campaign, known as 'Think!', is aimed at ending what the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions admits is the 'scattergun' approach to road safety, which has seen uncoordinated and sporadic campaigns like those on drink-driving and the 'belt-up in the back' promotion. It is also designed to address police complaints that they have the campaigns foisted on them at the last moment.
A DETR spokesman said: 'Think! will become linked in the public's mind as the brand image for road safety. The campaigns we've run until now have been effective, but have been too scattergun in approach.
'It's hoped that companies would be able to use the slogan in their own road safety initiatives and there will also be scope for corporate sponsorship.'
A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said: 'We've been complaining to the Government that we're expected to back its campaigns at a moment's notice and we couldn't continue to do that effectively. This strategy should solve that and prove an effective way in getting the issue firmly in people's minds, including companies.'
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