INCREASED mileage reimbursement rates for nurses have been published - seven years after National Health Service staff last saw fuel rates rise. The Department of Health said on Thursday - two days after the first 'Dump the Pumps' action day - that mileage rates set by the General Whitley Council were to increase by between 7 and 15%, backdated to July 1.

A Department of Health spokesman said: 'We recognise the problems facing these key staff who use their own cars to deliver patient services.'

Amid the furore surrounding rising fuel prices the Royal College of Nursing had claimed that about 100,000 nurses and health visitors were left out of pocket by about £700 a year each because mileage rates had not increased since 1993. The RCN claimed mileage rates were 'paltry in comparison to current petrol and maintenance prices' and had asked the Government to review reimbursement levels.