LEADING Internet design and usability expert Jakob Nielsen is the headline speaker at a conference designed to get the web working for British businesses.

If you want to know how to make the Web work for your organisation, sister Emap title Internet Magazine has organised this conference just for you. 'Building Successful Web Sites' is a unique event - an opportunity to hear direct from those who have made it big online.

But we're not just talking big-budget, blue-chip conglomerates. We're talking about some of the smartest, most innovative companies to have tamed the Internet.

The conference covers the areas that matter - from usability to integration, content management, marketing and design to the impact of new technology.

This conference is for anyone in an organisation who has a stake in the contribution their Web strategy makes to the business overall. Whether you're a designer, developer, marketeer, producer or manager, the varied nature of this event (with an emphasis on practical benefits) makes it the best day out of the office you'll spend this year. For further details, contact Scott on scott@internet.emap.com or click here