A MAJOR survey of fleet motor accident statistics has created a league table of company car drivers who cost fleets the most in accident costs.

Drivers aged between 26 and 35 years old are the most vulnerable to car accidents, being involved in 36% of all incidents.

This compares to mature drivers between 56 to 65 years old, who are involved in just 5% of all accidents.

The figures, from an analysis of claims carried out by Aon Motor Accident Management, the UK's largest accident management company handling over 60,000 commercial business claims per year, also revealed that the 26–35 age bracket is responsible for the highest number of cars being completely written off (37%).

They are also responsible for 41% of all claims for personal injury. However, it is drivers aged between 17 and 21-years-old whose vehicle damage cost insurance companies the most to repair.

D On average, it costs 24% more to repair this age group's vehicles than the 26–35 year old group, resulting in significantly higher insurance premiums.

The research shows a pattern among drivers working in certain industries, with most claims coming from the banking, finance and insurance sector.

Drivers working in logistics had just 781 accidents, with employees in the travel industry being involved in the lowest number of accidents at just 656.

The analysis has shown that companies with a higher male workforce may have to pay higher insurance premiums because men are responsible for 79% of all cars being completely written off.

Aon Motor Accident Management's European sales and marketing director Mary Johnston-Stokes, said: 'By analysing accident statistics and looking at company car drivers who are most at risk, companies can work proactively to reduce the number of accidents its employees are involved in.' Damage fact file

  • The highest incidents of car crime occur outside the home. Security at multi-storey car parks makes them one of the safest places to park with only 1% of all crime recorded there.
  • There are four geographic hot spots for crime: Berkshire, Greater London, the West Midlands and West Yorkshire.
  • One in 10 accidents involving company car drivers were for them hitting fixed objects, such as lamp-posts and 19% of all claims were for damage caused to vehicles whilst parked.
  • The most likely time of the day to be involved in a car accident is between 8am and 10am, with 16% of all accidents happening at this time.
  • Accidents which cause the most damange occur between 4pm and 6pm with repairs averaging £1,232, compared to just £876 between 8am and 10am.
  • Theft or the attempted theft of the vehicle accounts for just 12% of car crime, with the remainder focused on theft of items from the car.