SMALLER fleets run by part-time fleet managers need to address environmental issues or risk their financial costs spiralling out of control.

This was one of the messages at a cfc Solutions conference in Birmingham last week, which looked at a ten-point checklist designed to help smaller fleets introducing fleet policies.

Rob Anderson, senior fleet adviser at Transport Energy, outlined the importance of green fleet management for smaller fleets to the 200 delegates, stressing its importance as a means of cost control.

He said: 'You need to measure your fleet in environmental cost terms as well as financial costs. Without recording and analysing the information that you gather about your fleet, you will be unable to properly control your costs and environmental impact.'

Anderson also urged fleet managers to regularly look at vehicle selection choices, maintenance, driver education and journey planning.

The checklist also included topics such as legal obligations, fuel choices, residual values and cash-for-car schemes. The 10 points are areas which cfc believes should be used by part-time fleet managers who only dedicate part of their job role to fleet management.

David Faithful, solicitor and partner at solicitors Amery-Parkes, also spoke at the conference. He outlined the importance of smaller fleets complying with Health and Safety Executive guidance.

He said: 'There are two worrying trends – one is that health and safety offences in the fleet industry seem to result in prison terms more than other sectors and the other is that charges seem to be making their way down the corporate ladder to affect small as well as large companies and suppliers.'

Smaller fleets must ensure their drivers are competent, fit and healthy to driver and are using a suitably-maintained vehicle, Faithful added.

Top ten priorities for small fleets

  • Fleet policy essentials
  • Corporate liability and risk management
  • Legal responsibilities
  • Reducing fleet administration
  • Cash -for-car fundamentals
  • Effective supplier management
  • Managing fuel
  • Essential management information
  • Fleet software
  • Future challenges

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