THE internet is a wonderful equaliser. Whether you're a large multi-national employing hundreds of people or a sole-trader working from a back-street industrial estate, you have the same monitor-sized shop window, the same technology and the same challenges of winning attention time from a viewer.

Surrey-based fleet management firm Venson is not the best-known or largest company in its field, but it has designed a site that has the look and functionality that a casual observer would believe was from a company that ruled the FN50.

Built around the phrase 'as individual as you are', with the image of a blue pea in a green pod, the site makes a little use of Flash software in an intuitive design where content is allowed to be king. Venson has gone to considerable effort to provide all sorts of information that might be of interest to a fleet decision-maker.

So, we have industry news, tax calculator, emergency phone numbers, useful links, job opportunities, an FAQs section and an industry quiz. There is so much of the 'you might need this' type of information that it is easy to get distracted from the fact that Venson sells fleet management solutions. To compensate for this there are areas dedicated to its public and private sector offerings, service booking and sign-up to an interactive demo and information pack.

The demo allows you to generate a quote on a selected vehicle and order it. You can also view information via a function called 'Venson Interactive' offering real-time data on the company's demonstration fleet. Features include P11d and vehicle specification, full service history and invoicing information. We filled in the application form for both but are still waiting to receive the promised username and password.

Briefly: An introduction to the fleet management company ... 'and beyond'

The site:

In favour:

  • TV home makeover show-style design with an abundance of information
  • Quick Navigation function


  • 'Extras' (news, car reviews, tax calculator) threaten to shadow the sales pitch for Venson's fleet management offering

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