A WARNING has been issued about the danger of the latest in-car gadgets, called iTrips, which became legally available for the first time last week.

They work by tuning a driver’s iPod into their car’s FM radio, enabling the sound to be heard through the car’s speakers.

But Privilege Insurance warns that they add to the growing number of in-car instruments that can cause driver distraction.

Marketing and commercial director Kate Syred said: ‘Having the latest in-car gadgets can sometimes make long drives more bearable, but we are urging drivers to make sure they are fully prepared before setting off on a journey and ensure that all of their in-car gadgets are set up beforehand in order to avoid distractions while driving.

‘Motorists should set up a play-list on their MP3 player that will last the length of their journey and should avoid the temptation to retune their iTrip if transmission is lost while on the move.’