PRINGLES tubes, ice cream, Blackberries and milk shakes – just some of the dangers that drivers face.

Far from being debris on the road, these are a handful of self-inflicted distractions drivers cause themselves, according to a survey by fleet management firm Masterlease.

Tales collected included a driver who managed to get his hand stuck in a Pringles tube while snacking on the move, and another who lost control of her car while trying to rescue a pot of ice-cream that was falling off her lap.

Another said he almost drove into the back of a car when he spilt his milkshake and made a quick attempt to mop it up.

Under proposals in the Road Safety Bill, currently going through Parliament, such incidents would see drivers attracting penalty points as opposed to just a fine. Three points would be doled out for using a mobile, eating or drinking and reading while behind the wheel.

Gavin Jones, head of ProAct, Masterlease’s risk management service, said: ‘Most people will be able to identify with these stories.

‘The split-second decision to focus your attention on something else while driving may seem harmless but is actually extremely dangerous.

‘Hopefully the risk of having penalty points added to their licence for not having proper control of the vehicle will encourage people to think before they take their eyes off the road.’

The top 10 dangerous things drivers do on the move:

1. Eating, drinking or smoking
2. Rescuing dropped food and drinks from the footwell
3. Loose items around pedals
4. Texting or typing on a Blackberry or mobile phone
5. Flicking through radio stations
6. Changing CDs
7. Reading maps and directions
8. Telling children off
9. Wearing unsuitable footwear
10. Putting on make-up