FLEET managers have been warned to be on the lookout for employees ‘swapping’ penalty points.

Practices such as young apprentices taking speeding points to save senior members of staff from losing their licences form part of unofficial initiation ceremonies, according to AA Business Services (AABS).

The firm says it is a particular problem with vans or pool cars where there is no designated driver. AABS is also concerned about drivers who have opted out of company car schemes passing on the points to a family member.

Paul Homes, AABS’ head of risk management solutions, said: ‘This is a worrying trend and businesses must make it clear to employees that points swapping is illegal and has serious penalties for anyone who is caught.

‘Lying about who was driving is seen as perverting the course of justice and could lead to a prison sentence. Insurance companies view motoring offences seriously and they invariably affect insurance premiums – especially for repeat offenders.

‘Insurers would view points swapping as fraud and that could invalidate a policy in serious cases.’

The warnings come as advances in technology make speed cameras capable of capturing clear images of who is behind the wheel.

Holmes said: ‘Those employees in company car schemes have less of an opportunity to point- swap as they are the designated drivers, although many schemes allow spouses to drive. But those drivers who opt out of schemes are completely off the risk radar and there is no way of a company checking who was really driving.

‘The forward-thinking company should have a record of who is driving vans and pool cars at all times, regularly check all drivers’ licences for endorsements and be tapping them on the shoulder to put them into driving training programmes if their behaviour behind the wheel is giving cause for corporate concern.’