MATTHEW Weight, manager business sales, Renault UK

What was your first day like?

Hectic. I had an extensive induction programme. I was introduced to the key people in the fleet department and I went to bed with information overload but raring to meet clients.

Have you had any embarrassing moments?

My nickname is Inspector Gadget, due to my love of all things technical. I had to dress as Inspector Gadget at a team meeting when I presented a technical guide to my colleagues.

What’s the biggest fleet industry trend you’ve noted?

Safety has become more important to fleet managers and their drivers. Five-star Euro NCAP safety ratings are fast becoming the minimum standard for drivers and it is pleasing that our investment in protecting the lives of our drivers is being taken seriously.

What’s been the highlight of your time at Renault?

The fantastic team spirit we have on the fleet team and moving quickly from new boy to accepted, established team member. From a humorous point of view – losing the boss Nick Tame in the Forest of Dean while training for a charity cycle ride.