KEY questions answered by the experts.

Q: SOME of the conferences advertised in the fleet press look really interesting and I’d like to attend some of them. However, my boss doesn’t think they would be of any benefit (I’m guessing it’s financial reasons). I think I could learn a lot and improve the way I run the fleet. How can I persuade him to send me on at least one of them?

A: I THINK we have all been here before. You need to outline the pros and cons to your line management, show them what you can bring back from the conference and how it could save the company money as management always like cost savings.

If it is purely financial, ask to attend if you were to pay and explain that cover will be in place during your absence.

Over the next few months show some of the ideas you have brought back and the risks that have been reduced, explain that legislation changes and that to keep the fleet legal you should have up-to-date information. Personally you have to think that the conference is not just to improve the running of your current fleet but will have major benefits should you change companies as you will have increased your knowledge.

Fleet manager, Samsung