Claire Costain, facilities manager, Lloyds Register Quality Assurance

  • How many vehicles are you responsible for?

    I manage 230 cars and a user-chooser policy.

  • Did you always envisage a career in fleet?

    No. I started here 10 years ago as a customer service co-ordinator and undertook management courses. I took this job in July 2000.

  • What do you enjoy about the job?

    Managing the company cars takes around 50% of my time and I enjoy building relationships with the drivers and suppliers.

  • And the least?

    Drivers asking the same questions over and over again.

  • Are you following a career path?

    I am doing some advanced facilities management training at present and may do a facilities management degree or work to become an approved facilities manager next year.

  • If you were Transport Minister what policy would you introduce?

    Ask the companies who dig up roads to co-ordinate their work so they are not digging up the same area every few weeks.