Fleet managers have identified three areas that present the greatest risk their drivers face.

The first - the threat presented by other road users - was identified by 24% of fleet managers in the recent National Car Rental/Fleet News survey as being the biggest threat to their employees’ safety while driving for business.

This was closely followed by distractions caused by equipment such as mobile phones and satellite navigation systems.

This suggests that a total ban on taking phone calls while driving, whether on a hands-free or not, should be seriously considered.

A similar number of fleet operators (22%) also said drivers were under so much pressure to meet deadlines at work that this was posing a significant threat to their safety.

While this trio of threats was cited as presenting the major risk to employees who drive fleet vehicles, 11% of fleet managers also felt their own drivers’ poor skills behind the wheel presented a major risk to their safety.

Driving assessment and training clearly still has an important part to play.

Meanwhile, with the Corporate Manslaughter Bill just three months away from becoming law, the majority of fleet managers say they are now well prepared for its enactment.

Fifty-five per cent said their business is ready for the new law.

Although a similar number (56%) said that as a result of the new legislation, which will make it easier to prosecute companies involved in fatal accidents, they are still preparing to introduce new policies to tackle health and safety issues for employees who drive for business.