Mandy Bennett, failities and administrative supervisor, Hannover Services

  • How many vehicles are you responsible for?
    We have quite a small fleet of 11 cars, as most people seem to prefer the cash alternative, but we do have a variety of makes and models.

  • What funding method do you use?
    We have a mixture of leased and outright purchased.

  • What do you enjoy about the job the most?
    I think it’s the variety as the fleet isn’t my only responsibility. I also have facilities to take care of and, as we have three buildings, I certainly get out and about.

  • And the least?
    I don’t think there is much I don’t like. I suppose there are the little frustrations from time to time, but they are usually soon forgotten about.

  • How do you keep up with changes in the industry?
    Fortunately, we have trade magazines like Fleet News, which are a great source of information.

  • What are you reading at the moment?
    I am between books because I don’t seem to be able to put the Sudoku down – does anyone have the number for Sudoku Anonymous?