Samantha Bowman, support analyst, Jaama.

  • How have you settled in to your new role?

    I have settled in well, and have found my customer service skills developed in my old job are directly transferable to Jaama. I’m thriving on my fast-paced and challenging role.

  • How are you finding your fleet customers?

    In the main they are down to earth, pay attention to detail and have high standards – all qualities which I value.

  • Do you think the fleet industry adapts easily to new technology?

    Yes, once the decision to change has been made by a customer, adaptation is straightforward.

  • What are you working on at the moment?

    Communication is the key to providing good support and most of my day is spent talking to customers, offering technical help and usage advice. I also think education and personal development is important which is why I am taking a Microsoft MSCE training course.

  • What is your career background?

    My career has been in a customer service role, most recently spending two years with a large finance firm.