Automotive industry magazine AM, sister publication of Fleet News, has launched its annual AM/Courland Rising Stars Awards and would like to encourage entries from the fleet industry.

Rising Stars recognises emerging talent from throughout the automotive industry in six categories: sales, marketing, finance, PR/communications, general management and HR.

Executives at some of the automotive industry’s best companies, including David Brennan, MD of LeasePlan UK, are judges and the panel is chaired by Sir Peter Vardy, chairman of the Vardy Group.

Rising Stars is a great way to get yourself noticed. For the automotive industry it is certainly more relevant and credible than BBC Television’s The Apprentice and you won’t have to work for Sir Alan Sugar if you win!

If you think you have performed outstandingly in one or more of the categories listed above, AM would like to hear from you. There is a short entry form to fill in and email back to the organisers before August 3, so don’t hang about.

  • The entry form and all the other information you might need are on the event website at: