Lucinda Stallard, fleet manager, Lenovo

  • How were the first few months in your new role?

    Challenging. I have had to learn a great deal in a short space of time.

  • Is this your first fleet job?

    Yes – I had never worked within the fleet industry prior to taking this role.

  • What is your career history?

    I am a qualified chef and swore I’d never work in an office. I have been a PA for the past seven years. I look after seven managers and have been managing the fleet since September 2006.

  • What have you enjoyed most about the job so far?

    As a non-driver I am particularly surprised at how much there is to learn. I have met several people from the industry and they have offered a wealth of information – I find all of it very interesting.

  • Has any training/career development been offered to you?

    No, but I often visit websites such as ACFO and HSE so I am up to date with all the current information.

  • Where would you like to be working in 10 years?

    I’d love to work for a Formula One team.